Mat Science 2024 (Hybrid)

8th world Congress on Materials science and Engineering

Theme: Shaping the future through expertise and innovations in Materials Science and Engineering


Venue: Park Hotel Hong Kong, Chatham Rd S, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Dates: November 8, 9 & 10, 2024 

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Mat Science 2024 (Hybrid) Welcomes You

Calling all experts and aspiring researchers in Material Science! Do you have ground-breaking ideas to share? Join us at the upcoming 8th world Hybrid Congress on Materials science and Engineering, and be a part of a transformative experience. This event offers a unique opportunity to connect with the brightest minds in the field, engage in discussions to shape new strategies, and influence the future of Material Science.

Your input is crucial in shaping the mat science landscape. Secure your spot today by registering through the provided link and become an integral part of this exclusive event! Don’t miss out on MAT SCIENCE 2024 #Material Science on Hybrid mode.

We consider it a privilege to be at the forefront of this dynamic and rapidly evolving field. The technological advancements achieved stand as a testament to unwavering dedication, innovative thinking, and robust engineering.

This year, our conference organizers have meticulously curated an engaging lineup of Plenary, Keynote, and Oral presentations, featuring contributions from esteemed members of the global scientific community. We eagerly look forward to your presentation alongside these brilliant innovators.

Warm regards,

About Us: We solicit your gracious presence at the “8th Edition world Congress on Materials science and Engineering” (MAT SCIENCE 2024) which is held during November 8,9, and 10  which is scheduled at Park Hotel Hong Kong, Chatham Rd S, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong.This Hybrid mode allows you to participate as in-person in Hong Kong.The global summit will be centered on the theme “Exceeding Vision in Materials Science and Engineering through Novel Innovations.”It will establish a platform for exchanging cutting-edge research findings and advanced research methods in material science. This congress strives to provide a valuable forum for encouraging worldwide experts including researchers, scientists, material science experts, practitioners, chemists, engineers, healthcare professionals, clinicians and industry representatives for a multidisciplinary exchange of knowledge. Over the course of three-days, internationally recognized speakers will discuss how their research has progressed in response to current challenges: inspiring lessons and innovation.The experts and industry partners will get a terrific networking opportunity. MAT SCIENCE 2024 will re-unite over 50+ experts from the world’s finest research and professional institutes to discuss not only their expertise, but also their discoveries in the field. The colloquium also aims to foster synergistic collaboration between academics and industry, as well as to demonstrate the rapid advancement of cutting-edge technology in the field of Material science and Nanotechnology in recent years with an earnest International audience.We encourage you to join us in addressing the topics of material science and contribute to the field alongside experts.

Join Mat Science 2024 Elite Speakers in Hong Kong!!

Mat Science 2024 | Hong Kong | November 8, 9 & 10, 2024

Falkowicz Katarzyna

Lublin Technology of University, Poland

Yinlian Zhu

Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, China

Ying Yu

Central China Normal University, China

Maria Luisa De Giorgi

Università del Salento, Italy

Prof. Neetu Ahlawat

Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, India

Thomas J. Webster

Interstellar Therapeutics, Mansfield, USA

Soon-Gil Yoon

Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea

Wenbo Peng

Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Hsing-Yu Tuan

National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Prof Leelakrishna Reddy

University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Liviu Chibotaru

Theory of Nanomaterials Group, KU Leuven, Belgium

Zakaria Boumerzoug

University of Biskra, Algeria

Jianfeng Wang

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Shaolin Hu

Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, China

Zilang Cen

Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, China

Dr. Ghulam Rasool

Beijing University of Technology, China

Ryszard Kozlowski

Former Director of the Institute of Natural Fibres, Poland

Kajetan Pyrzyński

Delta Innovative Company, poland

V.G. Plekhanov

Fonoriton Science Lab, Estonia

Michael Zharnikov

Heidelberg University, Germany

Materials Science and Engineering

Biomaterials and Healthcare

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Catalytic Materials & Green Chemistry & Food Chemistry

Advanced Energy Materials

Surface Science and Engineering

Advances in Nano Materials Science

Nanoporous Aerogel Materials

Important Dates & Deadlines


July, 2024

First Round of Abstract Submission Deadlines



July, 2024

Early Bird Registration Deadlines



8, 9 & 10

November, 2024

Mat Science 2024 Eighth Edition will be hosted in-person at Park Hotel Hong Kong, Chatham Rd S, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Join Mat Science 2024 in Hong Kong

Reliable Experience & Expectation at:

Mat Science 2024:


Keynote Presentations


Oral Presentations


Poster Presentations


Special Sessions


Accommodation at Hotel Venue


Complementary Breakfast for booking hotel room


Complementary Lunch during all conference days


Complementary Coffee Breaks and Snacks


Short Company Advertisement (Consult Organizer)


Sponsorship opportunities (Consult Organizer)


Advertise your Brand on our Materials (Consult Organizer)


Conference Kit & Certifications

Why to Attend?


Network with our world’s leading researchers online and expland your research work by collaboration and Networking. 


Explore your research with most recent topics discussed on our conference.


A certificate will be provided from the Organization to all our participants.

General Info About Mat Science 2024 

Dear Colleagues,

The Mind Author’s is delighted to extend an invitation to you for the Global Meet on MAT SCIENCE, the 8th World Congress on Materials Science and Engineering, scheduled to take place at Park Hotel Hong Kong, Chatham Rd S, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong on November 8, 9 and 10, 2024.

MAT SCIENCE 2024 is an annual gathering designed to serve as a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians, and industrial experts worldwide to showcase their research findings and advancements in Material Science and Engineering. The conference aims to bring together participants of international repute and young researchers seeking opportunities for interdisciplinary exchanges, enabling them to tackle challenging problems that span traditional disciplinary boundaries.

This event offers a unique opportunity to share the latest developments and cutting-edge technologies in the expansive realms of Material Science. We strongly encourage you to submit your abstracts and register to attend, allowing you to present your accomplishments in the field of Material Science.

We extend a warm invitation to the scientific community to actively participate in what promises to be a memorable gathering at Hong Kong.

Thanks & Regards,

Mat Science 2024 Registration

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Conference Kit

Book of Abstracts

Access to All Sessions 

Live Question & Answer Session




Conference Kit

Book of Abstracts

Access to All Sessions 

Live Question & Answer Session




Conference Kit

Book of Abstracts

Access to All Sessions 

Live Question & Answer Session
